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Ordering T-shirts for a Large Group 

Tips for Ordering T-shirts for Large Groups 

Ordering t-shirts for large groups can be a complex task, as you need to consider various factors like sizes, quantities and possibly different fits or styles. Here’s a breakdown of the sizes and considerations when ordering t-shirts for a large group:

  • Plan Ahead: Start the t-shirt ordering process well in advance of your event or occasion. This allows ample time for design, production, and any necessary revisions.
  • Set a Budget: Determine your budget per shirt, including design costs, production, and any additional fees (shipping, taxes, etc.). Knowing your budget helps you make informed choices about shirt quality, design, and printing options.
  • Design and Logo: Create a clear and appealing design or logo for your t-shirts. Make sure it represents your group or event well. Consider getting input from the group to ensure everyone is satisfied with the design.
  • Select Printing Method: There are various printing methods available, including screen printing, heat transfer and direct-to-garment (DTG) printing. Each has its pros and cons in terms of cost, durability, and quality.
  • Consider Fit and Style: People may have different preferences when it comes to the fit and style of t-shirts. Some may prefer a regular fit, while others might like a slim or relaxed fit. Additionally, you might want to offer options like V-neck or crew neck t-shirts. Make sure to consider these preferences if needed.
  • Order Extra in Popular Sizes: It’s common for certain sizes (typically M and L) to be more popular than others. To ensure you have enough t-shirts in these sizes, consider ordering a few.
  • Consider Youth and Plus Sizes: If your group includes children or individuals who require plus sizes, make sure to include these options in your order.

Follow the helpful guidelines below when placing your order to avoid having unused, leftover shirts.


By following these tips for ordering t-shirts for large groups you can stay organized, while minimizing stress and potential issues. Remember that proper planning and communication with your t-shirt supplier are key to ensuring that everyone in your large group receives the right-sized t-shirt, leading to a successful and enjoyable group event.

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